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Hi! I’m Catarina.

I'm a 21-year-old software engineering student at University of Minho, Braga, Portugal. I concluded my BSc and I’m starting now a MSc in Application Engineering and Intelligent Systems.

Currently I’m the General Responsible of ENEI, an annual Portuguese conference that aims to bring together informatics, computer science and engineering students to learn, socialize and connect with each other and the business world. I'm also Director of Communications Department at CeSIUM, a Software Engineering Students Center, whose main goals are to represent and promote the course and Mentor and Co-organizer at CoderDojo Braga, an open, non-profit, free movement which aims to teach programming to children and teenagers from 7 to 17. I'm also a Collaborator of Sports and Culture Department at University of Minho.

In my free time I like to practice sports, read technical or non-technical books and watch some shows.

If you have any questions or want to know more about me and my journey, feel free to contact me via LinkedIn or email. You can also follow me on GitHub and if you are my coursemate you can check this repository with all my university works.